Saturday, May 27, 2017

Crystal Crane Hot Springs - Burns, Oregon

May 5-6, 2017

We stayed at Crystal Crane for only two nights because the hot spring was literally the only thing to do here. So we enjoyed a nice relaxing stay! The funny thing is...the first day we were there it was in the 80's and we could easily walk from our RV to the spring. The second day it was in the 50's and the water felt great! but it was hard to make that walk back to the RV. 
 Dave floating in the Hot Spring.  The water comes out of the ground 140-170 degrees, but the water exits the pond at 99 degrees. So you can regulate the temperature by where you float. I'm in the 100-101 range!

The Hot Spring teepee, one of many possible accommodations at the resort

 Floating at sunset

 This is another view of the spring...with the teepee in the background. That was the hottest side of the pond 

 Bonfire by the hot spring

Floating around at night gazing up at the sky was the best part!! No light pollution!

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