Thursday, March 24, 2016

Southern Arizona and The Big Wedding!!

March 12, 2016

We're in Eloy, Arizona now...staying at the Silverado RV Resort.
Today we packed a lunch and headed to Picacho Peak State Park for a hike. The park is near the site of the Battle of Picacho Pass, one of several American Civil War era engagements to occur in Arizona Territory. A Union cavalry patrol from California skirmished with Confederate scouts from Texas, and three men were killed. This marks the second westernmost battle of the American Civil War. Picacho Peak’s centerpiece spire is visible from downtown Tucson, 45 miles away. 

The "saddle" in the center of the photo does not look like a 1000' up but it is!

Portions of the trails are a bit scary, and the hike includes cables and catwalks, making the routes some of the few "via ferrata" in the United States. The park recommends that hikers wear boots and carry two liters of water per person. They also recommend that you wear gloves to help grip the cables. 
Wendy using the cables to climb up the rocks on the trail.

We hiked to the “saddle” of the mountain on Hunter Trail. This was one of the most challenging and technical hikes we’ve taken yet. We didn’t hike all the way to the top of the peak, but the mile we hiked was over 1,000 feet increase in elevation. The views from the saddle were rewarding though, vistas to the east and west, and we’re glad we did it.
View of our car from the halfway point.
Dave having lunch at the top of the saddle.
Sign at at the top.

Returned to the campground and went to the pool and hot tub.
Spent every afternoon in the pool! :)

March 13, 2016

Decided to visit the Casa Grande National Monument today. Packed a lunch and headed out at around 10. The national monument consists of the ruins of multiple structures surrounded by a compound wall constructed by the Ancient Sonoran people of the Hohokam period, who farmed the Gila Valley in the early 13th century. "Casa Grande" is Spanish for "big house" the name refers to the largest structure on the site, which is what remains of a four story structure that may have been abandoned by 1450. The structure is made of caliche, and has managed to survive the extreme weather conditions for about seven centuries. The large house consists of outer rooms surrounding an inner structure. When we arrived a tour was about to start so we headed outside to join up with them. The tour lasted about an hour and included history of the people and the structures.
Casa Grande National Monument
Casa Grande ruins

The Casa Grande complex included a ball court which was pretty cool to see.
Its kind of hard to see the ball court in this's basically just an indent in the ground.
They made shin guards from plants.

After the tour, we ate lunch at a picnic area within the park and then left to go hiking at Casa Grande Mountain. The hike was pretty…the desert is starting to bloom so there were little pops of color here and there.
Casa Grande Mountains
Hike at Casa Grande Mountain. Very popular biking area.
Beautiful blooms in the desert

Got back to the resort in time for a birthday party for one of our campground neighbors who’s heading back to Canada after spending 3 months (winter) at the resort. He had a nice fire going and a huge chocolate cake that was delicious!

March 16, 2016

We left for Mesa today. So excited about the wedding and seeing everyone!!
Good Life Resort in Mesa
Our site
We arrived at the campground at around 2 and set up as quickly as possible so we could get over to the hotel where Doug and Angel and Tom, Anne & Katy were already checked in. Also Tara and Beau were in the area for a race so they were at the hotel too. We hung out by the pool and waited for Mom, John and Chelsea to arrive. Doug went to Rubio’s and got a bag of fish tacos that we ate for dinner. Delicious!! Later on Lindsay, Augie, and Connor stopped by! J
Dave and I headed back to the RV at around 10, but the party at the pool lived on!

March 17, 2016

Dan and Gail got in last night and we met up with everyone at Whiskey Row in Tempe for lunch and to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day. 
Celebrating St. Paddy's Day at Whiskey Row

Left there to head to the airport to pick up Becca and Gregg. Yeah!! They landed at around 4:30 and after getting their luggage we headed back to Whiskey Row to wait for Ryan to arrive. 
Whiskey Row with Becca & Gregg!

Went back to the airport at 7 to get Ryan and went directly to the hotel so Ryan could eat dinner and they all could say hi to everyone. Went back to the RV at around 10:30. The beds were all set up so everyone could just crash…which is pretty much what we all did.

March 18, 2016

Started the day by heading to the pool until the kids could check into their hotel rooms. 

Sitting by the pool in the resort

Had to wait til 2 to get the rooms. Dave and I went back to the RV to take showers and get ready for the dinner at the Gamertsfelders. We met up with everyone at the pool at around 4. Bill and Sue and the girls arrived today…so now the gangs all here!! The dinner was delicious and a good time was had by all. Especially enjoyed the tour of the house given by Connor!! 
Cousins pic at Gamertsfelders

We went back to the hotel at around 9 and sat at the pool for a bit. Everyone sort of headed in different directions…it was an early night for some and a late night for some.

March 19, 2016

Its Wedding Day!!! Since the wedding isn’t until 5:30, we (Dave, Wendy, Ryan, Becca, Gregg, Grandma and Grandpa) started the day with a trip to Goldfield Ghost Town, then a hike in Lost Dutchman State Park. 
 Goldfield Ghost Town was a ghost town while we were there.

We met up with Bill, Melissa, Dani, and Peyton in the parking lot so we had a big hiking group. We decided on the Treasure Loop Trail; a 2.4 mile round trip hike rated moderate, with an elevation change of 500 feet. It was a fun hike…the dessert is really starting to bloom with bright yellow bunches of flowers everywhere and the occasional pink cactus flower.
 Starting the hike at Lost Dutchman
 Peyton posing

 Dave, Wendy, Bec & Ryan
 Bill & Melissa
 Melissa, Dani, Bill & Peyton
 Ryan & Dave posing for next issue of Hiker magazine.
Dani & Melissa at the end of the Treasure Loop Trail

We all went our separate ways after the hike and reconvened at the wedding!!

The venue is gorgeous and the day is beautiful…high 80’s no clouds. Everyone met at the Val Vista Lakes Country Club between 4-5.
 Grandma & Grandpa
Dani, Peyton, Ryan, Katy & Melissa
Tom, Anne & Katy...and Peyton

 Ryan ushering grandma

The ceremony was in the garden of the venue and the entire ceremony was uniquely the bridal couple's! The officiant did a fantastic job of telling the Lindsay/Augie story and they wrote their own vows which made the ceremony extra special.

 Lindsay and Doug
Our beautiful bride and handsome groom

After the ceremony we had cocktail hour with drinks and delicious passed appetizers in the outdoor bar area. There was a boat available for rides on the lake.

 One of many spontaneous family pics
Here's another one!
 Connor and Ryan

Cocktail hour was followed by a scrumptious buffet and lots of dancing!!! 

 Doug teaching the girls how to do the "Dougie"
Tom teaching the girls how to do the "Tommy"
 Melissa, Dani & Peyton
 Angel & Doug
Ryan, Gregg, Becca, Liz, Dave & Chelsea
 Gail & Dan
Sue & Bill
Dancing queens
 Cousins - Becca, Dani, Melissa, Katy, Liz & Chelsea

A photo booth was available in the foyer for fun family pics!! Would love to see that photo book…should make for some good laughs for Lindsay and Augie!!

The Doheny Bros!

Thank you Lindsay and Augie for including us in your special day!! We think we can speak for the entire Doheny clan in saying, “We had a great time celebrating with you!”

 Peyton at the end of the night

March 20, 2016

We went to pick up Ryan, Becca and Gregg at the hotel this morning (check out was at 11). Collected all of the suitcases and headed back to the RV to drop everything off and have some lunch. Unfortunately, we missed the gift opening brunch hosted by Lori and Chris, but from what we heard it was another great time.

Our family went to Canyon Lake to sit on the beach and do some kayaking. It being Sunday, the lake was crowded with people and boats. It was a fun relaxing afternoon though.
 Gregg & Becca
 Dave & Ryan
 Dave freezing in the chilly lake water
 Ryan heading into the canyon on the kayak

After taking showers at the RV park, we headed to the hotel to go to dinner at BJ’s Steakhouse and say goodbye to everyone leaving on Monday. L

March 21, 2016

We’re headed to Canyon Lake again this morning...hoping the lake will be less crowded with boats. We had a big crew going today. Our family, Dan & Gail, Doug & Angel and our wedding couple. Instead of going on the Dolly Steamboat, Dan & Dave went to see about renting a pontoon boat. They were told that some boats were expected back at 2 and they didn’t take reservations so they had to keep their eye on the water and the clock. While we waited, we ate lunch and snacks and some brave souls (Doug, Angel and Dan) went in the water. Dave and Ryan went kayaking. 
 Dan & Doug braving the chilly water
 Angel & Doug...and Dan
 Dave kayaking
Ryan kayaking
Ryan in the canyon
At around 2, we did see some pontoon boats heading back to the dock so Dave and Dan went back and a few minutes later they were headed our way with the pontoon. We all hopped on and had an amazing tour of the canyon. Along with the beautiful views, we saw a bald eagle and a flock of big horned sheep. It was a great way to end an already fantastic wedding weekend!!
 If you zoom in, you'll see the bald eagle
 Ry, Bec, Augie & Lindsay
 Captain Dave
 The crew

He's the king of the world!
 Big horned sheep on the cliff about 150 ft above us.
 And all his friends. They really blend into the mountainside.
Look at us go!!!

We headed back to Mesa, took showers, and met up for a farewell dinner at Macayo’s with Doug, Angel, Linsday and Augie. It’s sad to see the wedding weekend come to an end.

March 22, 2016

Our kids are leaving today. L
So there’s a lot of packing going on around here. The kids’ flights are 10 minutes apart…Ryan at 3:15 and Becca and Gregg at 3:25 (both on American Airlines). We dropped them at the airport at 1. And now it’s just the original NJ Dohenys left. We met Dan and Gail at our friend’s house, Dave and Sharon Nunn, who live in Scottsdale. So good to see old friends from NJ! We had fun reminiscing about the old softball days.
Our visit with Dave and Sharon

Dan and Gail had a little time to kill before their flight so we went to Whiskey Row again (back to where the trip began) and had dinner. Then off they went to the airport at 8. L
We hate all these goodbyes!!

March 23, 2016

California here we come!! 

Wish we had everyone's photos from the wedding and weekend to include in this blog!! It sure was a good time and great to see all of you!! 

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